Maverick 2019

Spent Saturday at the by now well regarded annual pilgrimage to the Maverick Americana festival. As usual, took up our accustomed position in front of the Southern Sounds Stage for the afternoon session. It’s long been the case that even when not familiar with some of the lesser known (to me) artists the performances are never left that enjoyable and 2019 proved no exception.

The only downside was that the normally benign weather was conspicuous by its absence and actually had the cheek to rain from about 15.00 onwards. We hung on in for Don Gallardo and Band, who produced a very fine set, rocking out a little bit more in the live environment than he does on record / CD / download / streaming etc. (it was so much easier way back when)!! Unfortunately the heavens then opened up, and although we were relatively well prepared, we were still soaked and decided to call it to a halt earlier than we would normally anticipate; which meant missing Massy Ferguson and Jeb Loy Nichols,  both of whom had been very much on the wish list. Right decision though, the rain never let up.

Despite the unusual weather (Maverick is more often than not blessed with unblemished sunny skies) the festival was its usual, friendly, well organised self with a fine array of fine food outlets and a nice selection of real ales (can recommend the Brewres Gold). Even got an excellent ‘flat white’ to start the day in style……roll on next year!!

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