Guernsey 2013

Just back from an excellent week in Guernsey. Our third visit in four years, so in danger of becoming a ritual! The self deprecating cheap shot would imply it’s something to do with our age but the island has more to offer than a friendly environment for those of a certain vintage.

Pea Stacks in mist
Pea Stacks in mist

In addition to excellent food (caught the start of the Tennerfest) and fascinating history, staying on the South Coast for a change we discovered some unbelievable scenery and great cliff walking. Whilst the West and North coasts have their wonderful beaches the South coast offers up some really dramatic walking country. Perfect for the avid walker of any age.

We were extremely fortunate with the weather and managed to fit in four cliff walks in the six days that we were there, covering much of the south coast in the process. Particularly impressed with Moulin Huet bay (just down the road from our hotel) and the coastline round to Jerbourg Point; I suspect you could do that walk every day (and then round to Fermain Bay) and never get tired of the backdrop. At this time of year, we often had the cliff path to ourselves. Large sections of the cliff walk never veered far from the coastline, and the ups and downs of the cliff path ensured the hikes were more than a gentle amble! So, calling all hill walkers, if you haven’t been to Guernsey, try the south coast for a walking holiday, I strongly suspect that you won’t be disappointed.

Le Petit Port
Le Petit Port

Stopped at a very good, if pricey, hotel. Not as fine as it thought it was, but service and food were very good, just not the “luxury” its status as one of the ‘small luxury hotels of the world’ would imply. Lots of things were spot on, but not much sound proofing in the rooms, poorly kept gardens and lack of attention to detail prevent the 100% thumbs up.

Roll on next year!

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