Sunderland and More, More, More…

The first of our 2024 cat sitting ventures, this time coupled with a meet up with friends in Nottinghamshire on the way back (of which more later). As usual, we made our customary overnight stopover at the Wentbridge Hotel on the way up to Sunderland; not sure if our expectations have changed but whilst perfectly fine, it no longer appears to be the special treat delivered by previous visits. Anyone else feel the same? No. Just me then 🙂

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Rhone Cruise – May 2024

And so, it begins

Returned from last week’s Rhone cruise, which was a first on so many levels. For a start, it was the first time on a flight since September 2019, after which the pandemic forced a blindingly stark retreat into home isolation and very restrictive travel options; and although we have had a number of holidays since, all but one (the Saga cruise) had been on home turf. The flights were also operated by Ryanair, a company I’d always sworn blind I would never fly with again. But, the Rhone and this particular itinerary was always on our list, we could fly out from Stansted and we aren’t getting any younger, so, ermm…. hey-ho!! To be fair the flights themselves were fine – both delayed but I don’t in all conscience blame that on the flight carrier, much as it pains me to say so. Anyway. so far so good.

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Local “Landmarks”

Although it was just one at the start, when we decided we shouldn’t keep putting off visits to ‘attractions’ on our doorstep but should seize the day. So, off we went to the “Wherstead Area” to grace Jimmy’s Farm with our presence. However, when we then discovered that even the overflow carpark was overflowing, we decided the time to visit the farm was when the kids were back at school. So, watch this space….

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Easter Visit

Didn’t see S&G at Christmas on this occasion so it was good to finally welcome them down to sunny(ish) Suffolk for a long weekend this Easter. They arrived on the Easter Friday and stayed for four nights which was long enough for us to squeeze in a couple of long overdue outings. In no particular order of importance we indulged in the following…

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Bowler’s Bum and Other Delights

Should have been in Malta but For reasons that I am not prepared to divulge we had to cancel. As some sort of minor recompense, we agreed to a short break in Norwich ‘instead’. Only two nights, but an early departure saw us arrive at the Bowling Alley in time for the ‘nifty fifty’ three hour session. Thoroughly enjoyed it and I scored both the lowest and highest scores of the day. Naturally, as if I didn’t know (or had conveniently forgotten), I was of course struck down with “Bowler’s Bum“, a particularly savage case I have to say but one I fought manfully for the rest of the stay.

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Annual Aldeburgh

For what has become something of an annual sojourn after the post Christmas festivities, we took our usual trip up to Aldeburgh, for three nights on this occasion. This time around it was the Brudenell hotel, and any cursory search on this site would tell you it is one of the three hostelries in the town that we have previously had the pleasure of staying at. Took the package deal that gave us evening meal on two of the three nights which, given the vagaries of the North Sea “breeze”, we thought was a sensible option.

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Old Haunts and Pastimes

Notwithstanding I have never mentioned how this occurred, but earlier this year Mrs. No Name ‘acquired’ her own bowling ball and a last minute decision to get the holes adjusted for a better fit resulted in a hastily arranged overnight Thursday night stay in Norwich. Went to the tenpin bowling centre and ended up playing …

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Annual 2023 Catsitting

No sooner back from the cruise and we were off on our trip to serve the cats for the second time this year. Overnight stop in Wentbridge on the way up didn’t prove to be as successful, with a few issues at breakfast that rather put a dampener on proceedings. Recompensed, but worrying enough to consider alternatives in the future….

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Back in the Game

Just back from our first cruise since 2019 and first time abroad since the pandemic. Visited Lisbon, Portimao, Santander, La Coruna, Bordeaux, Brest and, finally, St, Marys. Too busy (you couldn’t make it up) so full post at some indeterminate future date!! I promise this won’t be the long ramble of previous holiday posts. This one is short, sweet(ish) and very much to the point….

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Sudbury, famous for…..

being the birthplace of Thomas Gainsborough and for the house within which he spent his childhood. We’ve been threatening to go for many years and, on Friday, we finally did. He later resided there (again), following the death of his father in 1748 and before his move to Ipswich.[6] The building still survives and is now a house-museum dedicated to his life and art. Thee house was (predominantly) the focus for the journey.

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Catsitting (They’re Leaving Everything)

With apologies to the living legend, but for some reason as we report back on the first of this year’s annual catsitting sojourns, Leo’s ‘Moonlighting‘ came to my ageing memory (and then found its way on to the page by way of the title) – so there you have it. In other news, as before, we again extended the catsitting week and explored further up the Northumberland coast, to make it feel a little more like a proper holiday.

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And Now For Seconds….

After saying we would probably never return, almost 12 months on, we did precisely that! Another meet up with the friends we met last year, back at the Centre Parcs at Elveden Forest for four nights last week. Not much to add to the entry about last year, other than to say that at least this year’s break was completed without major incident or illness to either party!

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