Bowler’s Bum and Other Delights

Should have been in Malta but For reasons that I am not prepared to divulge we had to cancel. As some sort of minor recompense, we agreed to a short break in Norwich ‘instead’. Only two nights, but an early departure saw us arrive at the Bowling Alley in time for the ‘nifty fifty’ three hour session. Thoroughly enjoyed it and I scored both the lowest and highest scores of the day. Naturally, as if I didn’t know (or had conveniently forgotten), I was of course struck down with “Bowler’s Bum“, a particularly savage case I have to say but one I fought manfully for the rest of the stay.

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Old Haunts and Pastimes

Notwithstanding I have never mentioned how this occurred, but earlier this year Mrs. No Name ‘acquired’ her own bowling ball and a last minute decision to get the holes adjusted for a better fit resulted in a hastily arranged overnight Thursday night stay in Norwich. Went to the tenpin bowling centre and ended up playing …

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Half Empty You Say!!!

On the front page of the site I may have ungenerously but somewhat characteristically made reference to my foreboding for the 23/24 football season. Well, after eight games and one point, I can’t help but try and recall the exact wording….hmmmm……. “Dreading the 2023/24 season though 🙂”. Oh yeah, that.

The League Conundrum

It’s close on two years since I’ve posted anything about the Blades or sport in general. I think it says much about my current sporting ‘malaise‘ that it’s been that long. Probably no positive spin here to be honest, although the post isn’t intended to be wholly negative.

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Wilder Woes (Part 2)

Well, I promised and here it is. In truth, there isn’t much to add unless you are very close to the ground. 180 odd miles away, even with the benefit of on-line reporting, official and unofficial output is a little sketchy. I did see a report from the owner briefing that suggested that CW was …

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Wilder Woes

Can not believe my ears, eyes and all other associated orifices! Will reserve judgement until the facts are clearer but, on the surface, possibly the worst decision in living football history. WHAT were they thinking. More when further further details are released….

London and the cricket

Just back from three nights in London at the Park Plaza Riverside hotel (very pleasant with spacious rooms). Managed to fit in a walking trail around old Pimlico followed by dinner with friends in the evening. The Saturday was largely filled with Sri Lanka vs. Australia world cup cricket at the Kennington Oval (a mere …

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Homepage Conundrum

Never thought I’d ever have to update the site’s front page! But it looks as though that is definitely what I should be doing next. No more need be said, but a manager called Chris Wilder and his squad had a lot to do with it and Mr. Wilder in particular deserves all the plaudits …

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Sporting Vacuum

For reasons to banal to repeat here, I noticed recently I haven’t made a significant entry about sport on this site for well over two years. I began to ponder the reason and realised that, at least by way of generalisation, I’ve become quite disenchanted by the professional sporting world. There are clearly some sporting specifics, and then there are the stories that some would say are peripheral to sporting excellence but for me are symptomatic of a deeper malaise.

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Three Hours in the FA Cup

A poor first half for the Blades but they certainly found their feet in the second. A deserved, well crafted opener and a second soon after proved more than enough to kill off Charlton aspirations. And now a cup semi final and Wembley to look forward to. By contrast, Sunderland just didn’t turn up at Hull and were poor …

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Went Down Fighting

Not really a post as such, more to memo the date that Sunderland played in the Capital (League) Cup final. Lost but played good football, scored an excellent early goal, were tactically sound and were beaten by two outrageously fine strikes (the third was largely irrelevant). Take this form into the next few league games and …

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