Oysterband at The Apex

Back to Bury after our excursion to the Maltings, and to what proved to be a fantastic night of folk rock from the Oysterband. Following on from the delights of Merry Hell, I’m definitely on something of a roll with Mrs. No Name. Only the second time for the full band (remember the ill fated Rhythm Festival in 2011) and a couple of years after The Oysters 3, the gig proved that those who are, sadly, of our generation can still singularly delight with the right environment and a stellar back catalogue…

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Merry Hell at Snape

Realised that this was our first visit to Snape for a music gig that sat outside the annual Snape Proms festival; and coupled to that, it has been many a year sice I first expressed seeing Merry Hell in live performance. I’m a long time fan, having long enjoyed their rather singular take on the folk rock genre…

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The Four Seasons – Snape Proms 18

A first last night and the second of the proms. As a largely classical ignoramus, Vivalidi’s “Four Seasons” is one of the few pieces that I can genuinely claim to know reasonably well .Of Rachel Podger and the Brecon Baroque I knew nothing however. I suspect this is a little like a classical nerd hearing …

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MacLean at the Apex

Very last minute decision to catch Dougie at the Apex on Sunday night, coupled with an overnighter at the Premier Inn. Primary reason to catch MacLean was largely a morbid one – see him before either he or can no longer manage it. 🙂 Knew him more by reputation than actual repertoire (other than ‘Caledonia‘) …

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Maverick 18

After missing a year in 2017 for ‘reasons unavoidable’, we were back yesterday for our ritual Saturday fix. Once again blessed with superb weather, the afternoon in front of the main stage was, as usual, the purveyor of an excellent and eclectic selection of bands and music. Big shout out in particular to an early …

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Gretchen Peters at the Apex

Booked for this relatively late, largely on the strength of owning and enjoying Gretchen Peters 2015 release “Blackbirds”. Looked on-line on the off chance after a reminder email and was fortunate enough to get two of the last tickets remaining for Thursday night at the Apex in Bury St. Edmunds. She may often be compared to her country alumni (usually by the critical fraternity) but her peppery barbs have little in common with any of her peer or contemporaries.

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Bury and Bibb…

A Saturday nighter at the Bury St. Edmunds Apex and another fan(s) visit to the super talented Eric Bibb. Seen many times before, this time with a three piece band (Canadian Michael Jerome Browne, Neville Malcolm and Paul Robinson) fleshing out the sound in a way which I have always preferred. Coupled with an overnight …

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The Red House

Spent a portion of yesterday at the Britten – Pears home at the Red House on the outskirts of Aldeburgh. Worth a visit, £5 entry gives you a yearly pass to catch any exhibitions that might be running so good value for the locals. Another ‘twenty years and finally go there’ sort of scene but …

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Heart Full of Songs

The last of the four, what I loosely describe as “gigs”, 10cc’s Graham Gouldman performed his heart full of songs in acoustic fashion at the Snape Proms last night. With accompaniment from Mike Stevens and Iain Hornal, with percussion contributions from Dave Cobby.

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The Bluesman gig (Eric Bibb at Snape)

This year, at the third of four concerts, Eric Bibb appeared at the Proms on Friday night, accompanied by a slide guitarist,  bassist and percussion but missing piano. As is customary with Bibb, his genial in-between song patter betrayed his current less than relaxed opinions about his own homeland and beyond. We have lost count …

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