The Artist and the Art….

Tangentially prompted by a recent posting in the R&B Q&A section (specifically about Van Morrison and his lack of presence in the Primer section of this website), I have somewhat precariously decided to place an R&B music derived article into the main musings section – although, in my defence, this is fundamentally about more than one artist’s simple inclusion in a fan’s on-line tribute to a musical genre…it goes beyond the specifics of Larry’s question and debates the merits of valuing an artist’s work, irrespective or in spite of the individual’s own personal characteristics. As such, it has a far broader reach than Van The Man and yet he remains very much at its core. A complicated and divisive topic, but I’ve started now…..

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Another Tick in the Box

Back yesterday fron a one nighter in Stoke by Nayland at the Hotel, Golf and Spa Resort, which also happens to be the home of Fleece Jazz. The latter has a thirty year history of presenting modern and contemporary jazz (and a little blues). Originally based at the Fleece in Boxford, then briefly at Kersey Mill, it found its current home at the Stoke by Nayland hotel in 2009.

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It’s That Time Again…

and that time is a gig by the perennial favourite Eric Bibb. Astonishingly, it’s been over four years since we last saw Eric in concert (as this time, it was at the Apex in Bury St. Edmunds). More worryingly, it’s been nigh on three years since we ventured to ant live music at all, prior to our reintroduction via The Young’uns in Aldeburgh recently.

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Jubilee Hall and more….

The more turned out to be a weekend (two night) break at the White Lion, wrapped around the Young’uns Saturday Night gig at the Jubilee Hall. We could have easily travelled up to Aldeburgh specifically for the concert but it is pleasant to be able to combine it with short break. Lucky and/or smart enough to be able to do so I guess…

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Snape 2019 – Gigs Three and Four

The last two gigs of this year’s Snape Proms (for us I should add) consisted of two contrasting bands from the folkish side of popular music; and it’s not giving too much away to confide that it was as usual a very fine way to enjoy both the new and familiar through these Snape performances. Although it is , as we shall see, always good to finish with the best of the lot.

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Gilbert O’Sullivan (Snape Proms 2019)

This was the Monday gig that worried me. I had always had a sneaking regard for Gilbert O’Sullivan’s early releases (‘Alone Again Naturally’, ‘Nothing Rhymed’ etc.) but given that they were recorded at very start of the 70s, that seemed a very long time ago and I will freely admit to knowing little of him or his material post late 1970s (at the latest)…..

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Maverick 2019

Spent Saturday at the by now well regarded annual pilgrimage to the Maverick Americana festival. As usual, took up our accustomed position in front of the Southern Sounds Stage for the afternoon session. It’s long been the case that even when not familiar with some of the lesser known (to me) artists the performances are never left that enjoyable and 2019 proved no exception.

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…..and then what?? Well, following the Seville trip and a measly four or five hours sleep, a quick pack and we were on the train to London for a three night stay. Originally set up before we managed to squeeze in the Seville break, hence the short turnaround time between trips. As we were at the Albert Hall the first night, we decided to try the delights of the Gore at Kensington….

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Skerryvore at the Apex

Skerryvore last night, at what proved to be the third in an excellent series of recent folk rock gigs, all of which were surprising and excellent in equal measure. I first heard the band with the release of their eponymous CD in, I think, 2010. So eight years or so later, finally got to see them in a live environment….

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