Brudenell and Beyond

As we’d booked the Barb Jungr gig a while ago, decided to augment the concert with a two nighter at the Brudenell in Aldeburgh…

Had a small but lovely room overlooking the North sea. Had an evening meal on the Friday night, which was perfectly ok but not exceptional. Lovely walk on the Saturday morning, and Barb’s “Bob, Brel and me” concert in the evening. It was an interesting venue (the Hoffman building rather than the main concert hall), which turned out to be larger and more comfortable than anticipated. The gig itself was fine, if a little vocally theatrical for me. Jungr is a consummate vocalist, however, and her between song banter and contextual rationalisations were alone worth the admission price.

Sunday morning brunch, another lovely walk and then a short drive home. As someone in the lounge bar commented, you don’t have to travel long distances to feel that you’ve had a fruitful and relaxing break! (And he was from Woodbridge).

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